Welcome to the new age. An introduction, or rather a plea so it feels like.

Okay, so take 203928329…

If I had a nickel for every time I made these potential blogs that were supposed to spiral me into the world of publication and get my work known, I’d be really stinking rich. Truth be told, I found out way too late that I was not meant for the world of Journalism. Well, I don’t think it was so much not meant for it as it was that the degree I was searching for in the field was essentially getting me nowhere.

However, thanks to a small bout of inspiration from a friend, here I am once again giving word press a shot. I’m not even sure that these posts will end up anywhere close to journalistic because my strengths in writing lay in the world of free creativity. I’ve always done better at writing how I wanted to, rather stick to a solid structure.

I must admit this is incredibly daunting because of my lack of confidence in my words and the inability to hide behind a character’s mind like I’ve spent the last six years doing. Yes, I’m a role player. It’s an incredibly misunderstood creative outlet but it has given me some of the most interesting experiences of my life to date but I won’t ramble on about the confessions of a teenage girl into her adult hood.

I hope that you find something out of my words. Even if it is the smallest feelings, I hope that when you come to read my works, be it about media, be it about daily writings, or whatever is going in my brain in that moment I hope that you can take away something from what’s said.

So, here’s to hoping I can at least touch a few lives even if it is my general circle of friends. To know I’ve made any kind of impact would serve as more than enough validity for me.

Until then…

Good night and good luck.

I’ve always wanted to say that.